Ultralight Backpackin’ Tips by Mike Clelland!

I am friends with a lot of backpackers. I met a few through the internet, some randomly along the trail, others I’ve had the pleasure of working and guiding alongside. One of the most knowledgeable and accomplished of these is Mike Clelland!, a man who has spent thousands of nights in the backcountry ranging in territory from just outside his humble shack along the Tetons of Idaho to the glacier-strewn wilds of the Alaskan Wilderness.

Mike has a career history that spans quite the range. From drawing pictures on the Big Apple’s Madison Avenue scene to leading kids into the woods for weeks on end as a N.O.L.S. instructor he’s been there and done that. These two very different career paths can only merge in a select few ways. One of them is his passion for illustrating cute little backpackers and skiiers alongside the educational written word of his colleagues. He’s got his name listed on a handful of smart, witty, educational, and relevant book titles. Recently Mike struck out on his own and opted to pen not only the illustrations but the written tips of a new book entitled “Ultralight Backpackin’ Tips – 153 Amazing & Inexpensive Tips for Extremely Lightweight Camping”


Mike Clelland - Ultralight Backpackin' Tips

Buy this book from Backpacking Light and read it.  Mike’s ability to balance humor and sensitivity alongside rigorous weight-reduction is amazing.  Right-brainers and left-brainers alike will read this and find themselves both amused by the whimsy of each page as well as astounded by the practical wisdom contained within.

“Ultralight Backpackin’ Tips – 153 Amazing & Inexpensive Tips for Extremely Lightweight Camping”