Jones Solution Splitboard and Spark R&D Afterburner binders
Great day splitboarding in the Bridgers today. Nine miles and 2500’ or so vert.
Prior Khyber split board pre-season at Bridger Bowl.Â
Friends and I on a dawn patrol last week.  The Absaroka Beartooth Mountain range lights up at sunrise in the distance.
Cilogear Worksack, Jones Solution, Burton Driver XÂ splitboarding and camping gear. (edit: Spark R&D Burner binders.)
Our group of splitboarders skinning toward Breccia peak, Wyoming, USA.Â
Kyle and Sam Scoping the summit, Northern Gallatin Range, Montana, USA.
Jon W skinning with Alex Lowe Peak in background. Â Northern Gallatin Mountain Range, Montana, USA.
Jon skinning by headlamp under a full moon during a dawn start into the Bridger Mountains,.
Camp at 9,550 on the NE ridge of Blackmore from a summer ski trip.