22 oz prime rib, baby. http://twitpic.com/2h1erq
When was the last time you actually looked at every single page of a website? http://www.friendsofgranitepeak.com/
YouTube – Dr. Skull Attorney at Law http://bit.ly/9HpFwv
Panorama of Bicycles Atop the Bozeman Parking Garage http://bit.ly/d5hF8c
The Presidential Ham
Forty-three American presidents with hams. Oil paintings by Bijijoo at “The Presidential Ham”.
Just broke the 1,000 mi. mark for bicycle miles logged in 2010. Cool.
The Beaten Path – Cooke City to East Rosebud – Absaroka Beartooths (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
The Great One – Backcountry Skiing in August – Bridger Mountains (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Alcohol Stoves
Alcohol Stoves
Elkhorn Arch – Afton, Wyoming
The world’s largest elk antler arch is located in Afton, WY.