Exploding High Life
I am unable to source the artist of this painting I’m afraid.
A Song about Dan Creswell from Fargo
Sometime during the middle of last year I wrote a new bit of music, it having been years since I’d done anything. For some reason today I decided to publish it. Have a listen if you’d like. It’s a silly hip-hop song about my friend Dan Creswell. Creswell by samhDOTnet
Cycling Accessibility the Death Metal of Transportation
“If cycling in New York City is not allowed to become accessible then it will remain the death metal of transportation–a stylized and redundant novelty with a limited appeal and a veneer of danger that seems exciting when you’re in your teens and that you’re over before you’re 40.” – BSNYC
Drinking, guns, and poker
Photographer: St. Gil, Marc, 1924-1992 Persistent URL: http://arcweb.archives.gov/arc/action/ExternalIdSearch?id=546089
Good and Evil
“If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” …
We Hold These Tweets to be Self Evident
From Mashable, Nov. 26, 2010.
Snowfield of the Needle
Snowfield of the Needle Eugene Trutat; May 1889; Bagneres-de–Luchon, Pyrénées (France)Glass Plate Positives, Bibliothèque de Toulouse