Author: admin

  • Title II of the Communications Act

    Want to see the Internet continue to be a place of free speech and opportunity?  Then tell your congress-person that you feel strongly that the FCC must reclassify broadband Internet access under Title II of the Communications Act.  Learn how to contact your Congressperson here:

  • My brother and ITheo Wirth trails, Minneapolis

  • Jon Dub, Fairy Lake Road

  • Surly Necromancer Pugsley and Strider balance bike

  • Springtime ride up a still-gated Forest Service road and back. Super fun dirt, mud, and snow conditions. Gordie Howe was lovin’ the action too. Here heairs over a fatbike.

  • December 2009 was the first time I spun the pedal of a fatbike. My brother borrowed one from a friend and one from Surly and we brapped ‘em for a night and a day – hooking me right then and there. Here’s Scott railing one of the Pugsleys

  • “Glacier National Park by the moonlight” by j-appleseed 2014.

  • It’s never to cold to ride my bike.