Author: admin

  • A stiff Santa Ana wind was blowing heavy when we arrived to our favorite spot at 1800 on Saturday.  The wind kept the forest fire smoke at bay but limited us from having our own fire.  We sat peacefully in the nearly-full moonlit night sipping cans of beer and enjoying each other’s company.  

  • Kickflip fastplant prop stop. (Source:

  • Mason does some Land Cruiserin’.

  • Hazy from smokey forest fires, Ross Peak in the Bridger Mountain Range of Southwest Montana, USA stands proud.  

  • The Bozeman Bike Kitchen and New Belgium Tour de Pour Slow Ride 2015.  

  • GORUCK Selection 017, August 2015, Bozeman, Montana.  33 started but only one persevered through the 50+ miles and 48 hours of sleep and caloric depravation.

  • Smoke from fires burning in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana are seen in this image taken by the NASA-NOAA’s Suomi-NPP satellite’s VIIRS instrument around 2105Z (5:10 p.m. EDT) on Aug. 19, 2015.

  • Impassable when wet or snow covered photo: samh

  • Cowboy, 1988 from the Possession collection by Jason Langer in which he “…turns his focus away from the investigation of an individual’s personality in favor of details that suggest a more generic or universal identity.”

  • Moonrise over the Absaroka Beartooth and Northern Gallatins photo: samh